Job Overview
描述 Description
- 行政助理需要有效地履行职责,并协助电子商务和营销专家
- Administrative assistants need to efficiently carry out their duties as well as assist e-commerce and marketing specialists
要求 Requirements
- 大专及以上学历,欢迎应届毕业生或无经验者
- College degree or above, new graduates or those with no experience are welcome
- 具有高度的合作能力和良好的沟通能力
- Have a high degree of cooperation and good communication skills
- 负责,具有良好的解决问题的能力
- Responsible with good problem solving skills必须居住在上海
- 必须居住在上海
- Must be residing in Shanghai
责任 Responsibilities
- 协助电子商务数据整理
- Assist in e-commerce data collation
- 协助跟进交货订单
- Assist in follow-up delivery orders
- 协助市场部
- Assist the marketing department
- 文字处理
- Word processing
- 文件检查
- Document inspection
- 其他临时工作
- Other temporary work